I want my girls to be better Journal writers than I've been, and I needed a little inspiration to write as well. So we made Journal Jars! We typed up a bunch of questions and printed a copy for each of us. Then we cut them into strips and rolled them up. We also decorated canning jars to hold the papers. When it's time to write in our journals, we pull out a paper, glue it to the top of our blank page and answer the question. You may also want to make cute journals out of a notebook and scrapbook supplies!
Some sample questions:
Who is your favorite aunt or uncle and why?
What is your favorite vacation you've taken as a family?
What are your favorite foods? Your least favorite foods?
What do you do when it snows?
For adults... What did you do on a snowy day as a child?
Tell a story about your Grandmother.
What are some of your strengths?
adults... Tell about your first car, how you got it, how much it cost, what it was like?